
One Piece: ROTPQ Chapter 7

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One Piece: Rise of the Pirate Queen

Last time on One Piece: Rise of the Pirate Queen. After having left Gaimon's island, our heroes ran into a giant crab that damaged the boat. Seeing a nearby island, the crew rushed their way towards the island. Upon reaching the island, Mika was separated from her crew and wondered into Little Town, where she met Tony Marcus, pirate ruler of the island. Having been tricked, Mika was captured and placed within Tony's mountain base. Meanwhile, Akio and Lena searched for Mika, only to find assistants from a young village boy, Toby. Now with great determination, the crew along with Toby head to Tony's base to rescue Mika, not knowing of what may befall on them.

Chapter 7: Mika's Resolve! The Ship-wrecker and the Plant Girl.

"Captain Walker! We are approaching "Big Fist" Tony's base."

"Very good, Lieutenant Joshua." commended Capt. Walker. "Marines! Prepare to apprehend the Tony pirates!"

"Aye! Aye! Captain!" shouted the marines as they did as commanded. Marines began grabbing weapons and handing them out to others, while others prepared the canons and maintained the ship as they headed towards the Little Mountain on Pebble Shore Island.

"It's a good day to rid the world of pirates, don't you think lieutenant." happily said Capt. Walker as he stood next to the helm.

"Indeed, captain." agreed Lieutenant Joshua steering the ship. Both men were excited for this mission. If all went according to plan both men would probably receive promotions, which equals higher pay.

Meanwhile, Mika's crew with Toby were making their way to Tony's base.  

"Tony's base is just beyond this hill." said Toby pointing to the top of the hill.

"Finally! I've had enough of walking." complained Lena clearly exhausted from the trip

"It was only a short distance. Two miles at best." said Akio casually.

"Shut it you." growled Lena.

"Shush. They'll hear us." loudly whispered Toby. Akio and Lena nodded, though Lena was still angry. Acting as Toby, both teens lowered themselves to avoid detection as they approached the top of the hill.

"Toby, let me go first. I'll signal once we are clear." whispered Akio.

Both Toby and Lena nodded in agreement. Akio then moved forward, leaving the others behind. As Akio peered over the hill, he took notice of the surroundings. What he could see was the mountain and the canal that went through said mountain. On the ledges were most likely Tony's men surveying the area. Luckily, there were only a few of them, and they were completely distracted by something out at sea. Akio did the same, and spotted the oncoming marine vessel.

"Hey guys. Looks like the marines are visiting." loudly whispered Akio to the group down the hill.


"Yeah! They must be here to arrest Tony and his men."

"It won't work." grimly stated Toby. Lena looked confusedly at Toby.

"What are you talking about?! Once the marines come in, they'll arrest Tony's ass and his men's asses, we'll rescue Mika, and your town will be saved."

"He's got a monster protecting him out at sea." shivered Toby.

"A monster?" questioned Akio as went to look back at the canal entrance. As he looked at the water flowing out of the canal, a large shadow swam through the water in the blink of an eye. Akio looked on quizzically as he followed the shadow into open water and disappeared.

"That's not good."

"Sir! We are 1608 meters*1 and closing." shouted a marine solider to Captain Walker.

"Good, solider. Prepare for..."

***CREEAAKK*** ***CRACK***

"Whaaa!" screamed every marine on the ship as it was suddenly stopped.

"What happened!" ordered Lieutenant Joshua.

"Sir, we must've hit a reef." yelled a random marine.

"Impossible! There are no reefs on this side of the island." said another random marine.

"Stay strong, men!" shouted Capt. Walker. "Move the ship off the reef and around, we have a job to do!"

"Aye. Aye!" yelled the marines.

"Sir! The ship won't move!" yelled the marine that took control of the helm.


"The ruttier has been disabled!"

"What! How?" Unfortunately, the captain would get his answer.


"What was that!?"

"Captain!" screamed a marine as he ran from the lower decks. "We have a large hole on the lowest deck! We're taking on water!"

"What! This ship is built to withstand the harshest conditions on the sea! How could a reef break the hull."

"Sir, it wasn't a reef." said the marine seriously.


***CRACK*** ***CRACK*** ***CRACK***

"Sir! Were taking on more water!" yelled another marine from bellow deck. In mere seconds, the ship received more and more holes gaining more water. The captain could only think of one thing to do.

"ABANDON SHIP!" Immediately, the marines ran towards the life boats and jumped in. However not everyone got into the life boats, some others believed it better to jump into sea. They would soon find themselves in a worst situation.

"Bububububbub! (What the hell is that!)" gargled a marine as he peered through the water, to see what was damaging the ship. However, the thing saw him as well, and swam straight to him.


Meanwhile back on shore, an audience of three were watching in awe and shock.

"How Did They Do That!" shouted Lena. Akio and Toby immediately acted covering Lena's mouth and ducking down behind the hill."

"Huh? What was that?" said one of Tony's men looking away from the action and checking the surroundings. Akio and Tony were sweating a storm, hoping no to be caught.

"What? I didn't hear anything!"

"Probably, a duck or something. Come on, I want to see what the Freak brings in." And with that the guards left their post and headed into the cavern-canal. After they left, Toby and Akio peered over the hill.

"They got quite the security." said Akio sarcastically as he removed his hand from Lena's mouth, as did Toby. They were met with something different.

***BOINK*** ***BOINK***

"Don't Put Hands On Me Again!" growled Lena. Akio and Toby were comically knocked-out.

"If you weren't so freaked out about a ship sinking." groaned Akio rubbing his head.

"It Just Sunk Like It Already Had Holes In It!"

"That's their monster." muttered Toby also rubbing his head. "Every time a ship comes too close to Tony's base, he sends his monster to attack them, take their supplies, and capture stragglers for profit."

"I don't know about a monster, but there was definitely something in the water and it was heading towards the marines." mentioned Akio as he thought of the situation.

"You saw it!" shouted Toby.

"I saw something. But whatever it is, we'll take care of it, if needed." said Akio as he stood up and walked to the top of the hill.

"Hey, Lena. Do you have a bullet to get us there?" said Akio as he pointed to a cliff above the one where the guards were.

"Yep! Hold on." smiled Lena confidently as she took out here bag and dug through it.

"Ah! Here they are!" exclaimed Lena as she revealed two strange looking devices that look like grappling gun without a trigger. She then took out both her guns, removed the cartridges, and placed the devices on them.

"Grappling Bullets!" said Lena with excitement and pulled the trigger releasing the grappling hooks towards Akio's destination. With great precession, the hooks latched on to the upper cliffs. She then gave a pull to be sure that they were secure, and found that they were.

"You ready?" smirked Lena handing Akio her left gun.

"Yep. Stay here Toby, and we'll meet you once we find Mika." said Akio.

"Yeah! Got it!"

"So, Lena. Do we climb or..." before Akio could finish his sentence Lena extended her arm and finger to push a red button near where Akio's own thumb was.

"WhaaAAAHHHHH!" screamed Akio as he flew towards the grappling hook. Lena chuckled at her prank, gave a friendly wink to Toby, and followed suit.

Meanwhile in Tony's base, Tony was inspecting what the new materials he had just received from attacking the marines.

"Was this everything?" asked Tony to a figure that was hiding in the shadows of a doorway.

"Yes. Everything that didn't sink to the bottom." said the figure with a gruff voice. The load wasn't too bad. Some more ammunition, more weapons, more wood, and, most importantly, more people to sell off or ransom.

"Very well, you may leave Freak." the only response was a growl as the creature made it's way down.

"You sure that you want to give him up?" said Tsukagi. "He'll be quite useful for battling marines."

"I know that, Tsukagi. But what were getting for him is worth more than his services." grinned Tony. "Besides, I can do twice the damage that he can do in half the time."


"But what about the Plant Girl?" said Kincad as he wondered in.

"Heh. We'll keep her. She has quite a number of uses. Cuhahahaha!" laughed Tony, until he heard the sound of hunger coming from his stomach.  

"Hungry already." joked Tsukagi.

"Heh, heh, sure am. I could use some "home" cooking right about now." laughed Tony as he headed into the base, but stop at a sudden idea.

"Oh! Let's invite our new "merchandise" to a little dinner, shall we." smirked Tony looking towards  Tsukagi.

"Yes, captain. Right away." agreed  Tsukagi as he signaled a few men to follow him into another tunnel.

"Why invite the runt to dinner?" questioned Kincad.

"You saw her power. She will be a great addition to the Tony pirates." said Tony continuing his walk.

"And?" smirked Kincad.

"Heh, every king needs a queen." evilly grinned Tony heading up the stairway. Kincad just chuckled evilly.

"Ahhhh!" yelled Mika as she once again tried to kick the bars. Having been tried of using her now bruised shoulder, Mika changed to kicking the bars. Surprisingly, she was making great progress for the bars were beginning to bend. Needless to say, the other prisoners were shocked.


"Aah! Dammit!" cursed Mika recoiling from her kick and landing on her butt. Her kick failed to break the bars, however, the bars were bending more and more.

"This girl is crazy strong!" gasped a random prisoner.

"Yeah! Maybe she can get us out of here!"

"Come on! Let's help her!"

"YEAH!" soon enough every prisoner in Mika's cell began getting up and doing the same thing as Mika. As Mika picked her self up, she saw that the prisoners that once mocked her were now helping her.

"Yeah, that's it! Keep trying!" smiled Mika confidently as she threw another kick, which landed squarely in the middle of the cell bars.


"Hey! What's going on in here!" yelled one of Tony's crew men followed by another.

"What the! Their breaking the bars!" exclaimed the other crew mate watching as the prisoners continued their attack on the bars.

"Interesting. The "merchandise" hasn't tried this since when we first came here." said Tsukagi calmly as he walked in.

"We're breaking out!" exclaimed Mika through the bars as her fellow inmates cheered.

"Oh, please! Don't break the bars, they were expensive!" shouted Tsukagi in distress. "You! Release them before the run the bars!" The prisoners soon stopped attacking, for they were in shock. Was he really going to set them free for just damaging cell bars?

"But, sir!"

"Do it now!"

"Y-yes, sir!" said the crew mate as he went over to the cell door. The prisoners, including Mika, stopped their attempts and were now cheering with excitement of finally being released. Once the crew mate had unlocked the door and opened it, the prisoners came pouring out with Mika going last.

"Yes! We're free!" yelled another random prisoner.

"You promise us that we can go free?" questioned another random prisoner as he began to walk past Tsukagi.

"Of course! I promise that..." before Tsukagi could finish his sentence, he twisted around and elbowed the random prisoner squarely in the face, knocking him down and out.

"None of you are going to leave her without something broken!" continued Tsukagi with an evil smirk. The prisoners, now in disarray, were suddenly jumped by some hidden crew mates and were now being beaten up.

"Hey! Spark Gatling Gun!" shouted Mika as she turned around to allow her hands, now charged with electricity, to shoot out small spheres of electricity at Tony's crew mates.

"Gahh!" yelled various members of Tony's crew as the spheres hit their targets. Those that didn't get hit immediately fell back to Tsukagi, who wasn't fazed at all.

"Hmm, impressive."

"We are leaving! And nothing is going to stop us!" said Mika confidently receiving cheers from the prisoners that weren't unconscious.

"What about a free dinner?"

Meanwhile outside the cavern-canal.

"Okay, what next?" said Lena excitingly as she and Akio looked into the cavern-canal to see it spotted with more of Tony's crew mates.

*"We go in, fight our way through, and we demand Mika and everyone else's freedom." said Akio confidently.

"I like it. Simply, easy to remember*2, but I see one flaw."


"They Have Way More Men Then We Do!" quietly shouted Lena. "And They Have A Guy That Took Out A Village In One Move!"

"Details." casually said Akio making Lena more frustrated. "Fine. What do suggest we do."

"Use our brains." smugly said Lena now making Akio frustrated. "Let's sneak in and find where they're keeping Mika."

"Fine." nodded Akio as they began sneaking around the corner.

They really didn't have to try hard, most of Tony's men were too busy moving supplies into a tunnel. Others seemed to be taking care of random ships that were docked inside the very large cavern-canal. And the rest seemed to be sharing stories and ignoring their duties. With Lena taking the lead, she and Akio skillfully sneaked through the floor, dodging incoming crew men, and stopping Lena from sneezing ("Did I forget to mention I'm allergic to dust." "Crap!"). Despite some mishaps, Akio and Lena made it down to the main level where sneaking was much harder. But proved to be helpful.

"Hey, did you hear that the boss invited that new prisoner to dinner?"

"What! Really? Why does he get to choose the prettiest girls, and we get nothing."

"He's the captain. It comes with the title, I guess."

"Whatever. I wish he could give us more than that Plant Girl." conversed a pair of Tony's crew mates as they passed by a lone tunnel with a stairway leading down where Akio and Lena had ducked into to dodge the two earlier.

"Well, at least we know she's safe." said Akio casually figuring that it was Mika who was the prettiest girl.

"How is eating with a tyrant safe?" said Lena in frustration with Akio's casual matter.

"Now, where are they eating?" questioned Akio ignoring Lena's statement.

"Ah! Welcome, Ms. Mika. Please take a seat right next to me." said Tony as Mika, now uncuffed, was lead in by Tsukagi.

The room was very well cut, seeing that it was smooth like marble. The whole room was lighted up by candles both on the wall and on the table. The table was long like one you see in a royal dinning room with only three seats. Obviously, two of them were for Mika and Tony, the third was filled by Swellow, who sat silently, to Tony's left, as she looked at Mika with empty eyes.

"Okay!" smiled Mika as she and Tsukagi walked towards Tony. While Mika took her seat, Tsukagi kept going straight to Tony.

"Captain, we have a tiny complication." whispered Tsukagi to Tony.

"How so?"

"You see, when me and my men came in to secure the girl, she had rallied the other prisoners and were starting to break the reenforced bars." Tony looked quizzically at Tsukagi, but allowed him to continue.

"I was going to reenforce your authority, when she remarkable fought back, while still in hand cuffs. To stop her I offered your invitation, but..."

Flashback: Some minutes earlier.

"Dinner? Really!" exclaimed Mika childishly.

"Yes, and if you come with me you can have it right now." smiled Tsukagi as he gave Mika some time to think. 'Fool! Once she leaves, I'll have my men beat back the rest.'

"Alright!" sweetly smiled Mika causing the prisoners to stare st her in disbelief and playing into  Tsukagi's hand.

"If." continued Mika causing Tsukagi's smile to falter. "You let these guys go as you would promise them." With that said the prisoners gazed at Mika with awe as she tried to negotiate their freedom.

"B-but, Ms. Mika."

"No buts. Either you let them go and I go to dinner. Or we fight our way to freedom." said Mika receiving a cheer from the prisoners.

'Dammit!' thought Tsukagi seeing no compromise with the girl, and knowing what will happen with the captain got mad. "Fine. Men release the prisoners."

"But, sir!"

"Silence! Unless you want to face the captain's wrath!" threatened  Tsukagi shutting all of his underlings mouths. Immediately they went into action, releasing the prisoners.


"What!" silently yelled Tony in anger.

"Not only that, but she saw to it that they were released outside without any one of your men standing by to catch them." Dramatically, both men looked towards the teenager, who was currently in awe of her surroundings like a little kid.

"That's some resolve." muttered Tony to no one.

"Best be careful, captain. She's smarter than what we think she is." said Tsukagi. With that said,  Tsukagi left the room to the three already in it.

'Who are you really, Mika.' thought Tony as he stared a Mika a bit longer, trying to figure out something.

"Uh, where's the food." questioned Mika curiously and snapping Tony back to reality.

"Hmm. Ah! Yes, food." said Tony trying to regain composure.

"Plant Girl! Get In Here!" yelled Tony.

Suddenly, a girl's voice could be heard as well some items crashing gaining everyone's attention to a room behind where Mika sat. Through a door that was behind Mika, came out a a skinny, very attractive woman, with light brown skin, long flowing dark brown hair, and deep emerald colored eyes. She stood slightly taller than Mika. She was wearing a dressy black and silver spaghetti-strap shirt with only one strap (left) top with a picture of a red rose on it, a pair of black capris, and a pair of black and silver sandals. She seemed kinda distressed, but quickly composed herself and put on a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Marcus." said the girl.

"Me and Swellow here will have my usual. Ask this young lady for whatever she likes." stated Tony with an unamused look. The girl nodded and looked at Mika.

"Hello! What may I cook for you today."

"I'll have a salad, lite ranch, as well as whatever kind of meat you got." said Mika without her usually energy. At the word "meat" the girl shuddered a bit, but still smiled.

"Okay. It'll be done in a few minutes." smiled the girl as she disappeared into what Mika believed to be the kitchen.

"Now, as the food cooks, let's get down to business." grinned Tony. Mika, on the other hand looked at Tony with confusion.

Meanwhile, in another part of the base.

"Hey! Freak, wake up! I've got your food!" yelled another random crew men of Tony's to a cell covered in darkness.

"Whatever. You know what to do." groaned a gruff voice in the darkness. As quickly as possible, the crew man slid the food under the space between the cell's bars and the ground, and immediately dashed his way out of the tunnel.

"Why did I have to feed the Freak!" was the last thing heard before he was out of sight. The creature then made movement towards the food that placed and picked it up.

"You can come out now. They won't come in for a while." said the creature. Appearing from out of the corner of darkness that surrounded the cell stood Akio and Lena, relieved that their hiding spots worked.

"That was a close one." breathed Akio, then looked towards the cell. "Thanks for not rating us out."

"No prob. If you were sneaking around here, then it obviously means your not one of that bastard's men."said the creature as he began eating his food.

"Are you the monster, that the kid was talking about earlier?" asked Lena trying to fully see the creature.

"I guess." shrugged the creature. "I'm either that or the "Ship-wrecker" or "Freak" that everyone here calls me." said the creature with hints of anger in his voice.

"So what should we call you?" asked Akio feeling for the guy.

"Since you sound like your not on Tony's side, my name is Ryuudo." said Ryuudo.

"Ryuudo? Well, it's better than "Freak", right." said Lena trying to humor the creature.

"Heh, sure. But there is more than one reason why they call me that." chuckled Ryuudo.

"Really, why?" asked Lena

"Another time perhaps." said Ryuudo as he put his now empty plate on the ground. "But what are you two doing here?"

"We're here to rescue our captain." stated Akio

"Really? You're captain must've been an idiot." insulted Ryuudo.

"Yeah, she is." sighed Lena, though Akio only seemed to get frustrated at their remarks.

Meanwhile, in Tony's dining room.

"So what do say, Mika. Join my crew and together we can rulers of the world as Pirate King and Queen." exclaimed Tony as he held his drink in the air, his leg on the table, and Swellow giving a light applaud. Earlier Tony was talking about his goals in life and how by joining him, all of her dreams would come true. Mika mostly ignored it, for was enjoying the salad that was brought to her.

"Uh, excuse me. Captain Tony." timidly said the cook-girl causing Tony's stance to falter.

"Don't interrupt me when I'm proclaiming my destiny!" comically yelled Tony.

"But sir, the electric stove you bought recently just stopped."

"What!" yelled Tony and Mika, who was actually paying attention for once.

"Dammit, the generator must be out, I'll just have to..."

"Too long! I'll be the generator! Come On!" exclaimed Mika as she grabbed the girl and ran into the kitchen. Leaving both Tony and Swellow blinking in confusion.

"Alright, where's the plug?" asked Mika quickly. The girl, knowing Mika was in a rush, quickly walked to the stove and pulled out a cord plug-in.

"Thanks!" smiled Mika. Once she grabbed the plug, she gripped the metal tips as she began to glow from gathering spark energy. "Spark Generator!" And then released the energy from here hand into the cord. Immediately, the oven turned on.

"Whoa! Thanks!" smiled the girl.

"No problem, but hurry up and make the food. I'm starving." replied Mika acting as if desperate, making the girl giggle.

"Your pretty funny." giggled the girl.

"I am?" The girl smiled and nodded as she returned to her station to prepare the food.

"Oh! I forgot to mention, I'm Mika."

"I'm Nicolette Kichida, but all my friends call me, Nicole."

"Nice to meet you, Nicole." smiled Mika giving her hand in friendship.

"Likewise, Mika." smiled back Nicole as she took the hand, but received a bit of shock.

"Whoops! Sorry, I haven't got complete control over my spark powers yet."

"It's okay. It took me a while to control my powers, too." smiled Nicole showing no ill-will as she returned to her cooking.

"You have devil fruit powers, too."

"Yep! Watch." As Nicole cooked, she took her left hand and dug it into her pocket. She pulled out a small seed and dropped on the ground near her.

"Oh majestic, plant. Please offer us your bounty." said Nicole as her left hand hovered over where the seed dropped. In no time flat, the seed sprouted and grew until it became a (red) pepper plant. All while still cooking.

"Whoa! Awesome!" exclaimed Mika with stars in her eyes. Nicole laughed as she plucked one of the peppers and then sliced it into a pan.

"Yep, it makes being a cook a lot easier."

"You're a cook?!"

"Mm-hm. One day, I hope to be a world famous chef like Straw Hat Pirates' chef, Sanji, or even like the battle chefs of the Baratie." mused Nicole as she cooked. "That's my dream."

"That's an awesome dream. Me, I'm going to be the first Queen of the Pirates!" exclaimed Mika.

"You're taking Tony's offer?"

"Hell no! I'm gonna get there with the help of my nakama." Nicole giggled. She couldn't help, but be impressed.

"That's a good dream, but unfortunately, there are no dream-come-trues here." said Nicole grimly as she began the finishing touches on their food. Sensing the gloom, Mika new there was only one thing do.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out. I promise" said Mika straight-forwardly. Nicole immediately stopped doing whatever she was doing and looked at Mika, with hope in her eyes.


"Count on it." confidently grinned Mika. "And you can join my crew, too. We need a cook, and your the best I've met."

"I would be honored to join your crew." bowed Nicole to Mika, but then quickly remembered something. "Mika before I can join, I need your help with something." Mika listened intensely as she halted her spark energy seeing that Nicole had finished her cooking and was preparing to deliver the food. They continued to talk until they entered the dining room.

"Took you long enough." growled Tony as he and Swellow received their meals. "Now Mika, back to what I was saying."

'Oh, lord. There he goes again.'

Meanwhile, back at Ryuudo's cell.

"I've decided." said Ryuudo out of no where catching Akio and Lena's attention. They had finished their earlier conversation some minutes due to many of Tony's crew wondering near the entrance.

"Decided what?" asked Lena.

"I'm breaking out." stated Ryuudo calmly.


"Don't worry, I'll help ya. I've got a friend who is also in here."

"You scratch mine, I'll scratch yours." stated Akio catching what Ryuudo was saying.


"Fine with me. Lena."

"Yeah, as long as he doesn't eat me or something."

"Grahaha. Wouldn't dream of it." Ryuudo then immediately got up and walked towards the door. He then preceded to tinker with the door hinges until he just grabbed the door and moved it to the side like moving a box out of your path.

"What! You've could've escaped this whole time!?" shouted Lena as she pointed to the de-hinged door.

"Yeah, there fairly simple cells."

"Then why didn't you?" asked Akio

"It's complicated."said Ryuudo as he walked towards the two teens in the light.

Both teens were shocked at what they saw. Standing in front of them was a dark red skinned Fishman, with a dark blue sleeveless shirt and wore black shorts. On his right shoulder was a light green tattoo of a Chinese dragon. He also had short black spiky hair and light silver slit eyes ,sharp pointy teeth with his canines a bit longer. He towered well above Lena, definitely bringing the idea of "Monster" to life.

"You're a Fishmen?!" stated Akio while Lena was frozen with awe.
"More specifically, I'm a Half swordfish Fishman." slightly smiled Ryuudo.

"Half." gasped Lena as she regain control of herself.

"Another time. Now is the time to raise some hell." smirked Ryuudo as he cracked his knuckles.

"Okay, but let's see what's happening first." said Akio.

Ryuudo nodded in agreement. Akio then signaled Lena to carefully climb up the stairs and spy on the surroundings. Looking through the exit, they could see that this was not going to be easy. In the few minutes they had been talking the whole base was in an uproar. Men were frantically running left and right trying to do whatever.

"What's going on?" whispered Lena to Akio, who just shrugged. Hearing footsteps, the two teens ducked down to the lower stairs and into the shadows.

"Hurry, men! We don't have much time." yelled  Tsukagi to some men, who quickly quickened in pace.

"What's going on here, Tsukagi. What's the rush?" yelled a frustrated Kincad peg-legging his way to  Tsukagi.

"Kincad! You need to tell the captain that "he" is almost here and you need to get ready to subdue the freak."

"What! Why?"

"Oh! Just hurry up and get ready! It's not everyday when a representative for a Celestial Dragon drops down for a request." Then both men were off, getting ready in their own way. While both teens were shocked to here what was going on.


Next time on One Piece: Rise of the Pirate Queen.

Akio: Crap! We gotta stop this!

Lena: I know, but how?

Tony: Next up for your choose of slaves I have here...

???: Yes, those two will do very finely.

Lena & Akio: We Won't Let You Take Our Captain!

Nicole: Ahh! Ryuudo! Mika! Help!

Ryuudo and Mika: NICOLE!

Next time: The Celestial Representative. I Won't Let You Take My Friends!

Ryuudo: Crap! I can't move.
*1: about a mile or so.
*2: A character named after them if they can figure out where this phrase was originally used and what the really context is. Hint: Pirate, Orlando, Chest, Black. Good Luck!

( Author's note:

A:Yo! Here is another chapter from yours truly, and unlike the last one this chapter flowed on to the pages like hot butter on bread.

Denji: Mmm. Buttered bread. (starts drooling)

A: Hey! Looks who's back! How's it “hanging”. (snicker, snicker)

Drake: Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. I still don't see why I was punished more than Denji. It was his idea.

A: Yeah, but his story already has enough punishment. Anyways, I've got something exciting to announce.

Denji: Oh! Oh! Is it the next chapter of Chibi Vampire and a Werewolf.

A: Nope! We have our first SBS Question!

Drake: Yeah!

Denji: What's it ask? What's it ask?

A: Alright, this comes from hetekos. He asks: How would you rate Mika's strength/fighting ability without weapons or her devil fruit abilities? I'm asking in comparison to her dad's fighting skills?

Denji: Oooooo!

Drake: Good question.

A: Alright, I'll try to explain this without giving too much away. Where Mika currently stands and comparing to Luffy of the same age, I would say that Mika be slightly above Luffy in strength. I say this because I think in One Piece, each generation of Monkeys get stronger. I'm basing that on Luffy defeating his Grandpa in the Marine war. Whether this applies to females; Hey, I'm not bias. In other fields, Mika is easily faster and more agile than her father. In fighting skill, she pretty much follows in her fathers footsteps, but since Garp retired he could pay full attention to Mika's training, probably making her a better fighter then Luffy of the same age. However, something has been brought up in thinking this over. It is stated by Zoro's long dead friend (May she rest in peace) that women get weaker with age. Whether this is true, I don't know, but this won't hinder Mika. Overall, I'd say if Mika and seventeen-year old Luffy fought without devil fruit powers or weapons, I'd say it would be Mika winning with a close finish.

Here you go! I hope it answered your question.

Drake: Sounds good to me.

Denji: No argument here.

A: Good! Then one last thing. Sometime after the Tony Arc, I'll begin writing omakes of this story called One Piece: ROTPQ: Omake. Here I'll will write mostly one-shot stories for special occasions (holidays, birthdays, etc.) as well as any sort of non-canon story (which will mostly not be one-shots unless you choose it be) you readers want. And to put this to rest, yes, I am going to due the Boss Luffy specials, but replace him with Mika. But that won't be for a while now. Gotta focus on the main story first.

Drake: It's always good to keep your priorities.

Denji: (nods head)

A: Alright! I hope everyone passed their finals the had to take them. Seniors 2011 rule! And enjoy the summer! Ja Ne!)

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jazzyISjazzyness's avatar
:la: amazing!!!!! :) i really like the cook and ship-wrecker! theyre awesome
cant wait for the next chappy! :woohoo: