
One Piece: Straw Hat Family Chapter 16

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In the following few months, Mika would have many small adventures with her family. They were all fun for Mika. The little girl even starting keeping an ‘Adventure’ diary at the suggestion of her Auntie, Robin. Mika learned much on her adventures, but most importantly she learned more about her family. In time, she felt like she was really home. Everything was finally back in place as if the events of those few days, or years by Mika’s perception, never happened. Everyone could continue on their journey.

On an island having a nice, warm day, the Thousand Sunny had docked for supplies. With most of the crew out, Nami had taken Mika to a park to play. The young girl was excited to play with all the children. Nami sat at a bench reading a newspaper. It was one part to hide he identity and another to learn of world events. As Mika played tag with a bunch of kids her age, she suddenly caught sight of something. She left the game and bent down to dig into the grass. What she found was a small diamond ring.

“Ooh, pretty.” Mika said fully amazed by the shiny object. “I bet Mama would like it.”

“Oh, where is it…” Mika looked over as she heard a woman crouching down in the grass. She looked a worried and a bit panicky. The woman had brown hair that looked brittle, her clothes raggedy and worn out, and her body thin and frail.

Being curious, Mika walked over to the woman. She asked, “Whatcha doing?”

“Oh!” The woman was surprised hearing a voice speak to her. She coughed before she turned to see the young girl looking at her curiously. The woman took a calming breath before smiling weakly towards the girl. She asked, “Am I bothering you, little girl? I’m terribly sorry. You see, I lost something very important and I must find it.”

“Something important?” Mika repeated as she recalled the ring she found. She then held out her closed hand and opened it to reveal the ring she found. She asked, “Is the important thing this ring?”

The woman gasped. “Oh yes! Thank you! Thank you!” She said as she hugged the little girl overjoyed.

Mika looked completely confused, but said, “You’re welcome, I guess.” She then watched as the woman took her ring back and placed it on her left ring finger. She noticed how relieved the woman was, which interested Mika. So she asked, “What’s so important about that ring?”

The woman giggled softly. “I guess you’re too young to know, but this ring is a wedding ring.” She stated cheerfully.

“Wedding ring?” Mika said confused.

“It means that I am married to someone I love, and that I am faithful to him.” The woman explained a little further.

“Oh!” Mika said as she realized what the woman meant. “Like my Mama and Daddy.”

“Exactly.” The woman said smiling softly. “I bet your parents are wearing their wedding rings too.”

Mika thought for a moment. She then shook her head. “No. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them wear a ring.” She stated.


Mika turned hearing her name. She looked over to where her mother sat. While she didn’t see her from behind the newspaper, she did see her mother’s hand waving. She smiled and turned back to the woman. “I gotta go. Bye!” She said quickly before running off to her mother.

The woman was a little stunned by how quick their meeting was, but she softly giggled. “What a lovely girl.” She said before she stood up. “And here I was hoping she could play with my son…” The woman began laughing softly before she began coughing, but this time a little harder. She eventually got over her coughing fit and then walked away from the park.

(Line Break)
Preparations Begin for the
Wedding of Monkey D. Luffy and Nami
(Line Break)

It was now much later in the day, all the crew had returned to the Thousand Sunny. Everyone was getting ready to eat. Except Mika who was absent at the moment. This was concerning to everyone.

“Where’s Mika?” Usopp asked curious. “I would have thought that she already be taking plates…and eating them.”

“Dammit, Luffy. You and your bad habits.” Sanji grumbled as he cooked the food.

“Last I saw of her, she went into Mr. Luffy and Ms. Nami’s room.” Brook stated.

“Huh?” Luffy said confused. “What does she want to do in there? She has her own room now.”

Nami stood up from the table. She told everyone, “I’ll go check on her.”

“Do not worry. We won’t eat until you return.” Sanji stated with a smile.

“Aww~!” Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper whined.

Nami ignored the shouts and complaints from the men as she left the dining room. She walked over to her and Luffy’s room. Before she could open the door she heard a noise inside the room. ‘What the…?’ She thought confused and concerned. Silently, she opened the door and peered inside. She saw Mika on her bed. She was digging through her jewelry box. This shocked Nami.

“Hmm.” Mika hummed out loud as she stopped digging through the jewelry. “Where does Mama keep it?”

“Monkey D. Namika!” Nami shouted as she fully entered her room.

“Ah!” Mika screamed hearing her mother use her full name. “Mama!”

“Young lady, what did I tell you about going through my stuff without permission?” Nami said scornfully.

Mika puffed her cheeks out pouting and lowered her eyes looking down at the floor. She spoke madly, “To not to, and that asking Daddy isn’t the same.”

“Exactly.” Nami stated crossing her arms mad. “What are you doing looking through my jewelry anyway?”

“I wanted to find your wedding ring.” Mika said still pouting.

Nami’s frowned turned into an expression of surprise. “Wedding ring?” She asked confused.

“Yeah.” Mika said now smiling.

Cooling off her temper, Nami walked over to the little girl and sat on the bed. She looked at her daughter concerned. “Why would you be looking for that? How do you even know about that?” She asked.

“Well, when we went to the park I found a ring that belonged to this nice lady. She said it was her wedding ring, and that it means she loves him forever. She said you and Daddy had one too, but I can’t find it.” Mika said sounding disappointed at the end.

Nami was quite surprised by Mika’s answer. At first, she wasn’t sure what to say. She instead decided to just show her. She pulled out a necklace from around her neck with a diamond ring. She saw how Mika gasped in surprise and then coo in awe. Nami smiled as she held the ring up. She told the girl, “This is the engagement ring your father gave me when he asked me to become his queen. I keep it close when on deck, wear it on special occasions, and leave it in a special safe when I leave.”

Mika frowned. “But it’s not a wedding ring.” She stated confused.

Nami shook her head. “No, it’s not. Your father and I…we haven’t been married yet.” She told the girl honestly.


“We never got around to planning it. Or even setting a date. We’ve been very busy…” Nami stated growing quiet. While true, she didn’t want to say that any thought of a wedding was placed on hold after Mika was born. Never mind the fact that Mika had also been kidnapped and had only been back with them for a few months. She didn’t want Mika to feel like it was her fault.

“What do you do to get married?” Mika asked curious.

Nami smiled. “Well, when two people who love each other get married, they hold a big ceremony where someone official unites them together. Afterwards, they hold a big celebration with all their friends and family to congratulate the couple.” She explained sounding excited.

“Oh! So it’s like a big party!” Mika stated excitedly.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Then, let’s do it!” Mika stated with a big grin.

Nami jolted in surprise. She responded, “Wh-what?”

“Let’s get married!” Mika shouted overjoyed as she stood up on the bed throwing her arms out. Nami was so surprised she let the action slid. This soon included her jumping on the bed and then jumping off the bed. She continued to repeat the same shout, “Let’s get married!” All the way out of the room.

“Wait! Mika!” Nami shouted as she ran after her.

The kitchen door open as Zoro looked out annoyed. He shouted, “Hey! What’s taking so long?”

“Let’s get married!” Mika shouted as she cheerfully ran pass her uncle.

Zoro watched the girl pass by looking confused. He questioned, “What?”

“Let’s get married!” Mika continued to shout as she ran around the table. She then stopped at her father grinning excitedly.

“Hey, Monkey.” Luffy greeted grinning happily. “What’s happening?”

Mika giggled before shouted, “We’re getting married!”

The whole dining room went quiet. Nearly every crew member was stunned by the little girl’s statement. Even when Nami entered the kitchen, she was surprised to find the whole room quiet. Everyone looked at Mika stunned. But the silence was soon broken as Robin starting laughing. Finally, the rest of the group shouted, “What?!”

“W-W-Who’s getting married?” Luffy said suddenly sweating and speaking nervously.

“Dammit, Sanji!” Usopp shouted towards the chef angrily. “What did you promise her?”

“You jerk!” Chopper shouted.

“Lecher.” Brook said disappointed.

“Pedo-cook.” Zoro stated disgruntled.

“Shut up, you shitty bastards!” Sanji shouted back unable to contain his anger. “I didn’t say a damn…” He was then immediately punched by Nami ceasing his potty mouth.

“Don’t curse dammit!” Nami shouted viciously.

“S-th-orry, Nami.” Sanji said shamed.

“Um, guys.” Franky stated being the only one besides Robin, who was still laughing, to keep a cool head. He then restated for the group, “I think Little Sis is talking about Straw Hat and Girly getting married.”

“Oh, right.” Everyone minus Robin said finally understanding.

Robin finally stopped laughing. She smiled as she spoke optimistically, “Actually, I’m glad someone mention this. I was just surprised that it was Mika who would say it.”

“That’s because I’m Super smart, right?” Mika said grinning proudly, though innocently.

“Indeed you are.” Robin agreed.

“Ow! That’s right!” Franky cheered supportively.

Usopp looked over at Nami curious. He asked, “What did you guys talk about over there?”

“Mika wanted to know about rings, and one thing lead to another.” Nami said with a weary sigh and shrug.

“Well, now that this subject is out in the open…” Brook stated in an adult tone. “Are there plans for the union of our captain and our navigator?”

“Well…” Nami said unsure. “We’ve never discussed it.”

“We should get married today!” Mika shouted innocently.

“Mika, only your mom and dad are getting married. Not all of us.” Usopp stated sympathetically to the girl.

Mika’s eyes widen. “Oh…” She said in understanding.

“That actually doesn’t sound like a bad idea.” Zoro stated seriously though smiling. “I mean, you guys have put this off long enough.”

“Come on, guys, let’s be serious.” Nami stated to the crew. “No one is going to marry two wanted pirates.”

“If I may, Nami.” Robin spoke with a smile. “Traditional, pirate captains could marry any of their crew members should the need arise.”

Luffy looked at Robin intrigued. “So, I can marry off anyone in my crew!” He said looking excited. “That’s awesome! Hey! Who wants to get married?”

“That’s the most sensible thing you ever said, Captain!” Sanji shouted before he dashed next to Robin. He was completely enamored with the woman already. He shouted, “Oh, Robin-chawn~! Let’s get married!”

“Shut up!” shouted everyone except Luffy, Robin, and Mika.

“Luffy…” Nami said warningly.

Robin softly laughed before continuing to speak, “However, I would not think that Luffy marrying himself to Nami would be very viable.”

“This is an important ceremony. He’ll probably mess it up.” Usopp said agreeing with Robin.

“Then, who should marry Luffy and Nami?” Chopper asked.

“After the captain it’s the first-mate, right?” Brook said as he gestured towards Zoro. “Perhaps Mr. Zoro may be able to perform the ceremony.”

“Huh? Me?” Zoro said confused.

“Zoro?” Nami said in disbelief.

“That sounds like a great idea, Skeleton Bro!” Franky cheered out approvingly.

“Wait! Hold on a minute…” Nami said trying to calm the crew down.

“So? We’re having a wedding?” Mika asked curiously.

“You bet!” Luffy said grinning.

“Yeah!” cheered Mika.

“Would someone listen to me?!” Nami said her anger starting to rise.

“A wedding! A wedding! We’re gonna have a wedding!” Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, and even Sanji cheered out as they dance the same can-can dance together in joy. Mika was joining in as well clapping and shouting with the group of men.

“Ow! This is gonna be great!” Franky shouted ecstatically.

“Oh, I just can’t wait to see Ms. Nami walking down the aisle…” Brook stated in admiration.

“Hey!” Nami shouted loud enough to get everyone’s attention. “I haven’t decided if we’re even going to have a wedding yet!”

This outburst surprised the crew. Luffy asked bluntly, “Wait? So, you don’t want to get married?”

“No… I mean, yes! I mean…oh, forget it!” Nami shouted as she left the kitchen angry.

“What’s got her so riled up?” Usopp asked confused.

“I don’t know.” Luffy said just as confused.

Robin stood up from her chair. “I’ll go talk to her.” She said as she walked outside. But before leaving completely, she quickly said, “By the way, Luffy. You should probably take care of Mika.”

“Huh?” Luffy said before looking over at his daughter. He gasped when he saw Mika tearing up and sniffling her nose. Luffy gulped. “Oh no.” He said worriedly.

“Crap!” shouted the rest of the crew as stood up looking worried and hesitant.

Robin smiled as she closed the door to the kitchen. She only took a few steps away before a loud wail pierced through the room. She could her the agony of her crew just slightly underneath the wail. She ignored it for the most part in favor of the orange-haired navigator heading back to the kitchen. She meet Nami right at the bottom of the stairs.

“What’s wrong, Robin?” Nami asked extremely worried. “What’s wrong with Mika?”

“Mika will be fine.” Robin stated surely. She then gestured towards the seats around the main mast. She told Nami, “Let’s have a talk.”

Nami looked up at the dining room cabin in distress. “But Mika…” She said before trying to get pass Robin hurriedly. However, Robin quickly stopped her.

“Now.” Robin said more sternly.

Nami was surprised by the sudden stern tone she received from her ‘big sister’ figure. Though she felt that she needed to go and comfort Mika, Nami relented and took a seat. “Fine…” Nami said frowning in defeat.

“Good.” Robin said as she soon joined next to Nami. “Now then, could you please explain what happened earlier?”

Nami sighed. “I’m sorry, I really do want to marry Luffy.” She told the older woman. “It’s just…”

“Yes?” Robin said intrigued.

“It’s just…in the back of my mind… This wasn’t how I saw myself getting married.” Nami said admittedly.


“I never did think much about marriage. But when I did, I always thought I’d get married to some rich, handsome, caring, smart man at my hometown after finally buying it back from that bastard, Arlong, with my sister and friends. Then, I could spend the rest of my days in luxury maintaining a mikan grove.”

“Luffy is smart?” Robin asked curiously.

“In his own way.” Nami stated clearly. “Doesn’t mean that he’s any less of an idiot when he does something reckless.”

“I see.” Robin said covering a chuckle with her hand. She then continued talking about Nami’s issue. She asked curiously, “And what do you think now?”

“…I guess that I don’t have my sister, Genzo, and everyone in Cocoyashi here to see me get married.” Nami said with a frown.

“Is that all?” Robin said nearly laughing.

“I know, it sounds silly.” Nami stated embarrassed.

“Just a little.” Robin said agreeing with Nami. “But what woman doesn’t at one point imagine their perfect spouse and wedding.”

“Have you?” Nami asked curious.

“But what matters…” Robin said completely ignoring Nami’s question while still smiling. “…is what’s important now. Maybe this won’t be the wedding of your dreams, but it can be a great wedding in reality.”

“Yeah…” Nami said smiling as she thought of the potential wedding-to-be.

Robin placed her hand on Nami’s shoulder giving some comfort. She then spoke, “You have friends and family here. Let’s not waste this opportunity.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Nami said smiling.

“Now then,” Robin said as she stood up from her seat. “I believe you need to apologize to someone.”

“Luffy?” Nami asked confused.


Suddenly, the two women heard a door swing open. “Mika~!” They heard Luffy call out in distress. Nami and Robin looked up to see Mika running towards the stairs and then down them. When she reached the bottom, the women saw the girl completely in tears.

“Mama~” Mika cried out sadly.

“Mika!” Nami said surprised before she rushed over to comfort her daughter. “Oh, sweetie. Why are you crying? Please don’t cry. What’s wrong?”

Mika spoke through tears and hiccups, “You and Daddy aren’t getting married~.”

“What?” Nami said frowning in confusion.

“You and Daddy don’t love each other anymore~!” Mika cried out before a fresh wave of tears flowed out followed by a wail.

“No.” Nami said quickly as she pulled Mika into a hug. She let Mika cry into her shirt and stroked her hair. She comforted the little girl, “No, no, no. Of course, I still love Daddy very much. And I’m sure that Daddy still loves Mama.”

Mika looked up at her mother. She was still crying, but she had calmed down a little. “But…but…you said you didn’t want a wedding.” She said speaking more clearly.

“That was just Mama being nervous.” Nami stated smiling though embarrassed. “Everything was happening so fast that Mama wasn’t thinking straight.”

Mika sniffled as she finally stopped crying. She then wiped away the remaining tears.

Nami smiled. “So, can you forgive Mama for making you cry?” She asked sounding optimistic.

“Are you going to marry Daddy?” Mika asked.

“Yeah! Are you?”

Nami looked up at the upper deck. Luffy, along with the rest of the crew, were watching on looking curious and eager. Especially Luffy. Nami rolled her eyes, but she was smiling happily. “Yes. Let’s have a wedding.” She stated determinedly.

“Yeah!” Luffy and Mika cheered excitedly.

“’Bout time.” Zoro state grinning proudly.

“Yahoo! This is gonna be great!” Usopp cheered in excitement.

“I’ve never been to a wedding before!” Chopper said brimming with excitement.

“Ow! This is gonna be SUPER!” Franky cheered out before posing his traditional pose.

“How are you holding up, Mr. Sanji?” Brook asked concerned if the chef was disliking this wondrous occasion. He was surprised to fine Sanji leaning back against the cabin smiling fondly.

“I’ll be fine.” Sanji stated coolly. “This is for Luffy, Nami and Mika-hime. That’s what’s important.”

“Alright, everyone!” Luffy shouted as he stood on the railing. “Let’s get ready for a wedding!”

Nami let go of Mika allowing the girl to scream out in joy, “Yeah!”

“What do we need to do for a wedding?” Chopper asked curious.

“We need some decorations!” Usopp stated eagerly.

“We’ll need some food for the reception.” Sanji stated.

“Zoro needs to learn his lines.” Robin stated amusedly.

“What?” Zoro said confused.

“Ah, suits!” Brook said energetically. “We should all find suits and dresses.”

“Good idea, Brook.” Nami said in agreement. “Tomorrow, we should all get suits and dresses for the wedding.”

“Can’t we just wear are regular clothes?” Franky asked.

“Not for my wedding, you’re not.” Nami stated sternly.

Franky sweat-dropped with nervousness. “…Alright.” He said.

“Hey, Franky!” Usopp shouted. “We should build an altar.”

“An altar?” Chopper asked.

“It’s where Zoro will marry Nami to Luffy. It’s something festive.” Usopp stated.

“Good idea, Lone-Nose bro!” Franky shouted eagerly. “It’ll be the most super altar ever for the best wedding ever!”

“Alright, everyone.” Nami stated to crew cheerfully. “Thank you all for doing this. Tomorrow, we’ll get all the things for the wedding!”

“Yosh!” cheered the entire crew. Mika let out a giggle being incredibly excited for tomorrow’s event.

(Line Break)

The next day, the Straw Hats divided up the tasks. Sanji took Chopper to get all the food to be served at the reception. Usopp took Zoro to get the decorations. Brook sought out nice clothing for the men to wear with Luffy. Franky stayed behind on the Sunny and constructed the altar. Nami, Robin, and Mika went out to pick a dresses. Being a rather small town, there was only one store that sold wedding dresses and the like. Mika wasn’t exactly thrilled about this kind of shopping.

“Mama~, I don’t wanna wear a dress.” Mika stated madly.

“Oh, come on.” Nami said encouragingly. She was holding a small, frilly, white dress towards Mika trying to make her try on the dress. But as stubborn Mika was being, Nami could be even more so. She spoke in calm voice, “This is for Mama, remember? And Mama would love to see her little flower girl in a lovely dress.”

“No.” Mika stated sourly. “And also, I don’t wanna be a flower girl. That’s lame. I wanna be the ring bearer!”

Nami blinked surprised. “Where did you hear that?” She asked.

“Uncle Usopp. He was talking to Uncle Chopper about it.”

“Figures.” Nami said before sighing wearily. “Unfortunately, the position is for a boy which is probably why Usopp was talking to Chopper about it.”

Mika whined out loudly. Standing nearby, Robin chuckled overhearing the mother-daughter conversation. Robin spoke, “So if Chopper is the ring bearer and Mika is the flower…”

“Ahhh!” Mika groaned loudly in displeasure.

“…I guess that makes me the Maid of Honor. Correct?”

“Yes.” Nami nodded as she stood up.

“Who’s the Best Man? Zoro is the one marrying them?”

Nami giggled. “Luffy said that, ‘all the guys are the best’. So I guess it’ll be a little crowded at the altar.”  She stated cheerfully.

Robin couldn’t help but laugh as well. “How sensible of the captain.” She said amusedly.

“Mama~.” Mika piped up in a whining tone as she pulled on her mother’s shirt. “Are we done yet? I’m hungry.”

“You are your father’s child.” Nami said under her breath slightly annoyed while not directly looking at Mika. Robin heard, and she covered her smile and laugh. Nami then turned to Mika smiling. She spoke clearly, “Okay, we’ll get something to eat…”

“Yeah!” Mika cheered happily.

“…and afterwards, it’s back here to find a dress.”

“Aww…” Mika said as he good mood was spoiled by her mother’s last sentence.

Nami smiled feeling good about dashing her own child’s hope away. Of course, it’s all in good fun and very much a part of parenthood. The group then left the store to look for a restaurant. They eventually entered the plaza where many people were walking by or standing around talking with others. Robin quickly pointed out a restaurant and they made their way other to it. As they walked to the restaurant, both Nami and Robin took notice of some sporadic movement far on the other side of buildings at the other side of the plaza. They saw Marines running around, though it didn’t look like they after them. They both narrowed their eyes suspicious.

Then suddenly, there came some gunfire. Everyone in the plaza froze including our group. Soon following was a big explosion of white smoke. The entire crowd was in aghast. “Pirates!” Then someone shouted running away from the smoke explosion. “Pirates are here!” He shouted.

Nami was immediately worried. “Please be a different group of pirates.” She said quietly while crossing her fingers.

“Mama?” Mika asked as she looked up at her mother.

“Please be a different group of pirates.” Nami continued to say hoping beyond hope.

Suddenly, there came another explosion of smoke. The group looked over to see someone burst out of the smoke. All three of them recognized the person immediately. It was Luffy.

“Dammit, Luffy!” Nami shouted in rage.

As Luffy landed on a roof, he heard his name being cursed and blinked surprised. He turned around and quickly spotted Nami, Robin, and Mika. He smiled and turned around to wave at the group. “Hey, guys~!” He shouted cheerfully.

“Get back here, Straw Hat!” shouted a gruff and familiar voice from within the smoke. Luffy turned back towards the smoke. Suddenly, the smoke began forming into a person. Standing on the roof with Luffy was now Marine Commodore Smoker. As always, he was not pleased to see the Straw Hat pirate. He immediately threw his smoke fist towards the pirate.

“Uh-oh!” Luffy said before jumping away heading towards the plaza.

“Pirate!” shouted a civilian in panic. This one shout soon erupted the plaza with panic and mayhem. Civilians ran every which way to find safety.

Nami and Robin stood amongst panicking crowd with Mika between them. They were the only ones not panicking with Mika being confused. She asked, “What’s going on?”

“Mika, just stay where you are.” Robin said warning the young girl.

“Run!” shouted the voice of Usopp.

The group looked over to side where they saw Usopp, carrying a full bag over his shoulder, and Zoro running out of a street. Only a few seconds behind them was Marine Ensign Tashigi with a large Marine squad. Much like her commander, she too was not happy to see Zoro.

“Get back here and face me, Roronoa Zoro!” Tashigi shouted.

“This chick is crazy!” Zoro stated panicked.

Nami clenched her teeth in angry. “Those…Idiots!”

“Run!” shouted a civilian sending the whole plaza in an uproar.

“Robin,” Nami spoke as she and the woman stepped closer together protecting Mika. “We better get out of here.”

“Right.” Robin said nodding.

“Outta my way!” shouted a man rudely. Nami didn’t see the guy coming and she was rammed into by that person. The force was strong enough to knock Nami back.

“Mama!” Mika shouted worriedly

“Nami.” Robin said equally worried. However, since she was distracted, she too got pushed by the crowd. She quickly shouted, “Mika!”

“Auntie!” Mika shouted slowly becoming scared.

“Mika!” Nami shouted over the crowd

“Mama!” Mika shouted back trying to find her mother.

“Hey! Stop pushing!” Nami shouted towards whoever was around her.

“Look!” Nami heard someone shout and turned around to see a Marine soldier mixed into the crowd. He had gained the attention of other Marines. He then shouted, “It’s ‘Cat-Burglar’ Nami! Get her!”

“Oh no.” Nami said extremely worried. She tried looking for her daughter, but the crowd was too thick. It was a hard decision, but she had to hope that she that Mika remembered her rules. She spoke softly, “Please be safe…” Suddenly, she felt a hand on her arm.

“We got her!” shouted a Marine soldier eagerly.

“No!” Nami shouted in fear.

“Gum-Gum Pistol!”  Suddenly, a stretched fist knocked out the Marine soldier. Nami was surprised until she looked over to see the crowd parted leading to Luffy. The young man grinned victoriously.

“Luffy!” Nami shouted overjoyed.

“Nami! We gotta get out of here!” Luffy shouted back.

“I know, but Mika! I can’t find her!” Nami stated distressed.

“What?” Luffy said surprised.

“Straw Hat!” Luffy and Nami turned as they heard Smoker’s voice. The crowd was beginning to thicken with smoke. Smoker was nearing them

“Luffy…” Luffy turned back to Nami hearing his name. He saw the worry on his fiancé’s face for their missing daughter. But he grinned showing he wasn’t worried.

“Go find the others,” Luffy said encouragingly. “…then we’ll find her.”

Nami was hesitant to obey, but she knew that they couldn’t find her like this. The Marines were after them, a Marine swordswoman was after them, and a Logia user was after them. They couldn’t beat that. “Alight…” Nami said nodding though regretful

“Run! I’ll lead him off. You find everyone and find her.” Luffy said determinedly.

“Alright…” Nami said before she took off running. She soon disappeared into the crowd.

With Nami hopefully out of harm’s way, Luffy turned making a daring smile. He then rushed towards the smoke. “Hey! Smokey! Over here!” Luffy shouted while waving his arms.

Smoker formed into a solid person before Luffy. “Enough play, Straw Hat. You have a date with the gallows.”

“Sorry, I’m taken!” Luffy smiled cheekily. He then quickly hightailed it out of Smoker’s sight.

Smoker raised his brow a bit confused, but he didn’t have time to decipher the man’s weird message. “Straw Hat!” He shouted and immediately gave chase.

Yo! Hi everyone! It's been far too long! Sorry for the wait. But I've finally found time to work on my favorite LuNa story and their child :D Hopefully this won't be the last of them...for the year ^^;

But there you have it! The beginning of the Wedding arc! Finally, right?! If any of you have read the original story, I'm sure you recall that there's a small period before with an OC character and such. Honestly, I can't make heads or tails about how that would've ended. So, I completely scrapped it. And in that OCs place is Smoker and Tashigi XD

Also, another difference is that Luffy and Nami weren't in a relationship through most of her story. It's spontaneous that they decided to get married. And while that it is Luffy's thing, I don't think Nami would want that so fast.

And finally, I'm gonna try to be least monthly in my updates. So, I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. Until next time! Ja Ne!


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Artman179's avatar
Hehehe it's getting really serious again :XD:

I liked when Mika complained about hunger, it's really something Luffy would do too XD