
STRONG(ER) WORLD Scene Sixteen

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Scene Sixteen: Rampage of Beasts

Somehow, Usopp and Chopper made back to the palace without having to confront the beast protecting both the kids and Nami. On the other hand, the beasts of the island could careless for the group and instead attacked Shiki's palace colliding into the stone walls of the palace. The force of impact was quickly noticed by those fighting inside the meeting room making everyone stop and wonder what was happening. Franky was the first to speak up on the shaking of the entire as he readied a Coup de Vent.

"What the…?"

At the entrance of the palace, the animals broke through the steel front doors and rushed into the hallways surprisingly big enough to fit the beast. From above, flying animals also began to strike down on the palace. As the animals invaded, many of the pirates outside tried to strike down the furious animals, but the animals easily overpowered the weak pirates. All throughout, animals began chasing the pirates essentially giving them a taste of the chaos that had ensued at Xiao's village as they were helpless to stop them.

And of course, the Straw Hats were having their own problems with the animals. Franky ran down a hall as he fired bullets from his left hand aimed towards a pink octopus thing with smashing tentacles aimed for Franky. Unfortunately, the bullets weren't having any affect, and as Franky stopped at three-way intersection he stopped only for the creature to collide into him and into another room. With the angry octopus being okay, it had caught Franky and rose what look like his unconscious body ready to strike again. However Franky was far from unconscious as he laughed at the creature and shot at him with his cannon arm. Creature flew back and crashed into the wall defeated.

Elsewhere, Brook was laughing excitingly as he held his sword out in one hand and his sheath in the other charging at freaky looking fly. Both passed each other with relative ease, though the bug had failed to realize what had happened to it. As Brook calmly walked, the fly lit one of its arms on fire and turned to strike Brook as he spoke. "Three-Verse Humming: Arrow-Notch Cut." As Brook sheathed his sword, the bug had no chance to attack as he was suddenly sliced and fell to the ground defeated

At another part of the palace, Robin was having a difficult time. She was being weakened under the effects of some pollen being generated by a giant moth-like creature. As the moth flapped its wings sending its deadly pollen, Robin was forming her arms around it until she finally was able to halt movement and break it. Once the moth creature was done, the pollen was taking effect on Robin. She heard something landing behind her and turned to find Shiki's gorilla right-hand looked down on her. As it removed its glasses, it revealed heart shaped eyes; he had fallen in love with Robin.

Far from the battle, the Nami rescue group had stopped at building placing Nami the ground and covered her with Chopper's suit coat whiles Chopper – still in Heavy Point – examined her. Both kids watched with extreme worried, even more so with Mika. Seeing the kids worry, Usopp quickly asked a question for Chopper. "How is she, Chopper?"

"It was a close call. She's finally able to breathe again. We have to do something…"

"Please be okay mom."

"Biri?!" Chopper and Usopp looked at Akio as he looked out from Nami. Flying in, Biri landed next to the group seeing that Nami was okay. Mika, however, continued to look down and hold her mother hoping something will help her mother feel better.

"Biri…" Much like Mika, Biri looked down on Nami worried for the sick and unresponsive woman that had helped him escape. Everyone was looking down on Nami worried, though Chopper then spoke as he remembered a bit of information from earlier.

"The only thing that can cure this disease is IQ, but I heard Shiki is the only one who has it…"

"What did you say?" Usopp spoke up concernedly as he looked back to the palace where all the fighting between the Straw Hats, Shiki's pirates, and the beast of the island was held. Everyone looked towards that battlefield. Usopp then continued on to say. "Where exactly…?"

As the whole group looked at the palace, several objects then collided onto the balcony that the group was sitting on and fell to the ground. Biri was able to grab the kids at the last second while Chopper, grabbing Nami, and Usopp fell with the debris. Now on the ground, both Chopper and Usopp had survived relatively fine, but Usopp quickly worried about Nami. "Is Nami-"

"She's okay…"

"What about the kids?!"

"I don't know." As Chopper and Usopp looked around, both of them couldn't find the kids, but found their attacker. Floating high above them stood the man that had caused them all their trouble.


"You've done it now, little girl…" Shiki spoke sounding very displeased in the orange haired woman's actions that he believed to have halted. He was now finished with the woman; she had been nothing but a hassle for him. He continued to speak in his angered tone. "It seems like you really want to die. I don't need you anymore."

"I'll make sure East Blue is destroyed not matter how hard you struggle." As Shiki spoke, the snow-covered earth around began to form into a giant lion head much like he had done so with the earth near Xiao's village. Usopp and Chopper freaked as the saw what the man was doing, but they didn't notice was they were now being surrounded just like back at Xiao's village.

"Usopp! Chopper!"

"Mom!" High above, Biri was carrying the kids on his back as they were able to fly out of Shiki's range. Unfortunately, the adults on the ground were trapped.

"We're done for!"

"Imperial Palace of Winding Earth!" Throwing his hand out, the snow-covered earth lion roared and raced towards where the trapped Straw Hats were. Chopper and Usopp were helpless to do anything as they stared fearfully and screaming at the charging earth lion. Shiki then spoke like he had finally rid himself of an annoyance. "Die in despair!"

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

"Usopp! Chopper!"

Suddenly the lion exploded unable to strike the group. All around the area surrounded where the other lion heads waited, a flail of arms shining in a pink hue began attacking the earthen lions allowing them to loss their lion forms. Shiki was shocked seeing his attack suddenly defeated. Usopp and Chopper soon realized that they weren't feeling the watery attack and looked out to see Luffy glowing in a pink hue and steaming – Gear Second. Luffy was definitely pissed as he glared up at Shiki. However everyone one watching just shouted happily. Even Mika and Akio as Biri brought them next to Usopp and Chopper.




"You still want to fight?" Shiki was even more enraged as he looked down on Luffy.

Meanwhile in Chopper's arms, Nami slightly opened her eyes and looked towards the palace almost like something was drawing her there.  Standing right in front of her vision, Luffy stood between Shiki and her ready to fight. Luffy then looked back realizing Nami was somewhat awake and spoke to her with much confidence. "Nami, I'll beat that guy and we'll go back together."

"Luffy…" Nami spoke weakly and though she couldn't show it, her heart was overjoyed to see her husband – the man she loves – defending her from Shiki. Unfortunately as quickly as she woke up, she fell back into unconsciousness though knowing that she was safe.

"Leave this place to me. Take Nami, Mika, and Akio to safety."

"Got it."

"Fight hard, Luffy."

"You can do it dad!"  With Luffy's order, Chopper continued to carry Nami while Usopp stayed near the kids and they all ran off and away from the battle. While the group left the fight, Shiki spoke though sounding like it was meant for all of them.

"It's death for you anywhere you go."

Luffy didn't answer. Instead, he crouched down and proceeded to pump even more of his blood through his body causing great amount of steam to release. It was probably far more than he had ever done using Gear Second, but for this man it was needed. As Luffy finished, he looked back up to Shiki as he shouted out in defiance. "You have no right to decide out fate!"

Luffy then launched up towards Shiki at an incredible speed. As he appeared right in front of Shiki, the older man was shocked to see how fast the younger man had reached him. Luffy then sent a high speed punch into Shiki's gut. "Jet Pistol!"

The attack was extremely effective as Shiki coughed up blood as he flew back. Just before reaching the palace building, Shiki stopped himself from hitting the building and remained floating. Meanwhile, Luffy was falling but was not worried as he shouted out. "Biri, give me a hand."

Like a noble stead, the bird came to the aid of the rubber man seeing as Mika and Akio were now safe. Luffy flipped towards the bird and landed on his back. The bird then flew towards Shiki and Luffy shouted out to Shiki. "I won't let you go East Blue!"

"You stupid brat…" Shiki quickly recovered as he removed his hand from his stomach and looked at Luffy with a furious glare. "Don't expect me to go easy on any man from East Blue!"
Sorry for the long wait. I've been busy going back to school and being social.

So as a word of warning, updates may not be every day from now on. I'll try, but school comes first.

Enjoy! Until next time, Ja Ne!

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batgirl45's avatar
it the big fight cant wait